Serving Multilingual Learners in an inclusive and integrated setting
Co-Taught Language Arts and Math
Students in the English Learner (EL) Program take language arts and math classes that are co-taught by the content teacher and the English Learner Teacher in an integrated classroom.
English-Language Development
Students exit the EL Program after they have achieved a level 5 on the ACCESS Test, which measures academic language of English. Our students English Language development happens in the co-taught classes, the TWI Program, and additionally in an English Language Development class specifically for newcomers when they first enter the country.
EL Case Managers
Students in the English Learner Program have an EL Teacher who serves as their case manager. Case managers work with the student, the student's teachers, and the student's family in understanding the language development needs of the student, tracking their language progress, and academic needs in classes.
In addition to our co-taught classes, we offer bilingual programming to develop students' academic language and literacy in both Spanish and English. The classes are taught in math, social studies, and Spanish World Language.